Mahindra disclosed the price for its top-spec XEV 9e Pack Three on Tuesday. While the base variant - Pack One - has a Rs 21.90 lakh price tag, the 79kWh Pack Three is for Rs 30.50 lakh, ex-showroom. Mahindra is yet to reveal the price for the XEV 9e Pack Two, which will complete the price list. Bookings for Pack Three will begin on February 14 and deliveries are slated for early March. Stay tuned for info on other trims' registrations and delivery timeline.
- First phase of test drives in 6 cities starts on January 14
- XEV 9e 79kWh comes with lifetime battery warranty
- Prices of the Mahindra BE 6 were also announced today
Mahindra also revealed the Pack Three variant's price for its BE 6 SUV, which is Rs 26.90 lakh. Despite the XEV 9e being based on the INGLO platform, ‘XEV’ is an entirely distinct sub-brand from ‘BE’.
Mahindra XEV 9e price vs Hyundai Ioniq 5, BYD Atto 3
Compared with the BYD Atto 3 base and top models priced at Rs 24.99 lakh and Rs 33.99 lakh, the Mahindra XEV 9e is cheaper by Rs 3.09 lakh and Rs 3.49 lakh, respectively. The Atto 3 base model's price is introductory and will increase eventually. It is yet to be seen how much cheaper the XEV 9e Pack Two will be than the mid-spec Atto 3 Premium variant with a Rs 29.85 lakh price tag.
The base XEV 9e Pack One (59kWh) costs Rs 21.90 lakh, making it Rs 24.15 lakh cheaper than the Hyundai Ioniq 5 priced at Rs 46.05 lakh. The XEV 9e Pack Three (79kWh) is priced at Rs 30.50 lakh, which is Rs 15.55 lakh less. Note that the Hyundai Ioniq 5 is sold only with a 72.6kWh battery pack in India.
Please note that the XEV 9e prices do not include the charger cost or installation, which must be brought separately.
Mahindra XEV 9e battery, range and charging
The XEV 9e comes with two battery options – 59kWh and 79kWh – both powering rear-axle motors. The 59kWh unit works with a 231hp motor, and the larger one takes it up to 286hp. But the torque is the same, at 380Nm. The 0-100kph sprint takes 6.8 seconds with the bigger battery pack.
The MIDC range on a single charge is 656km for variants with the 79kWh battery and 542km for those with the 59kWh unit. The charging is done by either 7.2kW or 11kW AC units, which have to be purchased separately, as mentioned earlier. With a 175kW DC fast charger, 20 to 80 percent charge comes in 20 minutes.
Mahindra XEV 9e features, colors
The cabin features a three-screen setup, with each unit measuring 12.3 inches. The flat bottom steering on this one has an illuminated ‘Infinity’ logo, part of its unique identity in Mahindra’s electric stable. It also has features such as a tyre pressure monitor, brake-by-wire and electric parking brake. Storage options are spacious, including a 665-litre boot and a 150-litre frunk.
Other features are wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, push-button start/stop, automatic climate control with rear AC vents, height adjust for the driver’s seat and seat belt, tilt and telescopic steering adjust, Type-C charging ports and 60:40 split-folding rear seats.
Mahindra XEV 9e’s eight-color palette includes Tango Red, Everest White, Nebula Blue, Stealth Black, Gold Dawn, Ruby Velvet, Deep Forest and Desert Myst.
Also, see:
Mahindra XEV 9e Pack One variant price, features explained
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