Toyota has launched the CNG version of the Glanza in India, with prices starting from Rs 8.43 lakh for the S trim and going up to Rs 9.46 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi) for the G trim. The brand has also opened online bookings for the premium hatchback at a token amount of Rs 11,000. Compared to its equivalent petrol-powered version, the Glanza CNG costs Rs 95,000 more. The Glanza is the first model from Toyota and the second premium hatchback in its class to be equipped with a factory-fitted CNG kit.
- Uses the same 1.2-litre K12N engine as the Baleno CNG
- Rivals the Tata Altroz, Maruti Baleno, Hyundai i20
Unlike the petrol-powered Glanza, which is offered in E, S, G and V trims, the Glanza CNG will only be offered in S and G trims. Here’s a table showcasing the price comparison between the standard Glanza and its CNG version.
Toyota Glanza CNG prices (ex-showroom, Delhi) | |||
Variant | Glanza CNG | Glanza petrol | Difference |
S MT | Rs 8.43 lakh | Rs 7.48 lakh | Rs 95,000 |
G MT | Rs 9.46 lakh | Rs 8.51 lakh | Rs 95,000 |
Toyota Glanza CNG: powertrain details
The Glanza CNG continues to be powered by the same 1.2-litre, four-cylinder engine that powers the standard car and the Maruti Suzuki Baleno. Similar to most CNG models in the market, the Glanza CNG is only available with the 5-speed manual transmission. In petrol-only mode, the engine develops 90hp and 113Nm, whereas in CNG mode, the power output drops to 77hp and 98.5Nm. Toyota claims that the premium hatchback offers a claimed fuel efficiency of 30.61km/kg.
Toyota Glanza CNG: design and features
Besides the CNG badging on the tailgate, the Toyota Glanza CNG retains the same exterior design as its petrol-powered version. Toyota has fitted the 55-litre CNG tank in the boot which in turn robs storage capacity when compared to its petrol-powered version. The Glanza CNG's dual tone interior also sees no changes, consisting of the same switchgear and steering wheel as the Baleno.
The Glanza CNG in its G trim gets equipment like LED projector headlamps, 16-inch alloys, a 7.0-inch touchscreen, voice assistant, connected car tech with OTA updates, start/stop button, and six airbags.
Toyota Glanza CNG: rivals
The Glanza CNG competes squarely with the recently launched Baleno CNG which starts at Rs 8.28 lakh (ex-showroom-Delhi). It also competes with other premium hatchbacks like the Tata Altroz, Maruti Suzuki Baleno and the Hyundai i20, which currently do not have a CNG option.
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