Ola Electric has launched the S1 X, its new entry-level offering, in three variants with prices starting from Rs 89,999 for the most affordable 2kWh variant. The mid-spec version is also called the S1 X, but it gets a larger 3kWh battery and costs Rs 99,999. At the top of the X range is the S1 X+, which gets additional connectivity features and costs Rs 1,09,999. All three versions are being offered with a Rs 10,000 discount on the aforementioned prices until August 21.
- Claimed range of 151km on the 3kWh versions
- Top speed is a claimed 90kph
- LCD display in place of colour TFT on higher Ola models
Ola S1 X performance and range
Ola says that the S1 X sports the same powertrain as the S1 Air, which means a hub motor. We were earlier told by the company that it produced a peak output of 4.5kW, but Ola now says this motor is rated for 6kW. On the S1 X, this means a claimed top speed of 90kph, which is the same as the S1 Air. Acceleration claims are also the same as the Air – 0-40kph in 3.3 seconds. All these figures pertain to the higher two versions, which get the 3kWh battery pack.
The base model with the 2kWh battery pack not only gets lesser range but also lower performance levels, with a claimed 85kph top speed and a 0-40kph acceleration time of 4.1 seconds. Certified range for this entry-level version is 91km, while the higher two variants get 151km. At its launch, we were told that the certified range for the S1 Air was 125km. However, Ola now says that the S1 Air gets the same 151km certified range as the S1 X.
Ola S1 X underpinnings
Underpinnings are quite basic here, with pressed steel wheels and drum brakes at both ends. Suspension is handled by a telescopic fork up front and twin shock absorbers mounted to a double-sided swingarm at the rear. Since the S1 X is based on Ola's new 'Gen 2' e-scooter platform, it also gets a flat floorboard thanks to the redesigned frame that has been used here.
Ola S1 X features
The S1 X has many similarities to the S1 Air, but there are a few key differences that have allowed Ola to price the X more competitively. The biggest change is that it doesn't get a TFT touchscreen like Ola's higher models, and makes do with a simpler, more cost-effective LCD display instead. Aside from this, it also features more unpainted black plastics than the S1 Air, which will also have helped shave costs.
Ola S1 X bookings and deliveries
All prices ex-showroom, Bengaluru, after FAME-2 subsidy
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ravi pag - 523 days ago
Dont believe ola, they dont stick with price, last year, same thing happened, and they back step on ola s1 air, they lost respect and i dont believe they stick with the price , And we have better options and reputed company , tvs iqube or ather
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