Toyota Vellfire VIP 2.5 Hybrid

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Toyota Vellfire OverviewOVERVIEW
Toyota Vellfire DimensionsDIMENSIONS
Toyota Vellfire Engine/MotorENGINE/MOTOR
Toyota Vellfire TransmissionTRANSMISSION
Toyota Vellfire Fuel Economy RangeFUEL ECONOMY/RANGE
Toyota Vellfire SuspensionSUSPENSION
Toyota Vellfire SteeringSTEERING
Toyota Vellfire wheels and tyresWHEELS AND TYRES
Toyota Vellfire BrakesBRAKES
Toyota Vellfire tested performancePERFORMANCE AS TESTED
Toyota Vellfire safetySAFETY
Toyota Vellfire exterior featuresEXTERIOR
Toyota Vellfire seats and upholsterySEATS AND UPHOLSTERY
Toyota Vellfire infotainmentINFOTAINMENT
Toyota Vellfire comfort and convenienceCOMFORT AND CONVENIENCE
Toyota Vellfire instrumentationINSTRUMENTATION

Toyota Vellfire Price

Toyota Vellfire price for the base model starts at ₹ 1.41 crore and the top model price goes upto ₹ 1.53 crore (on-road Delhi).Toyota Vellfire comes in 2 variants.The Toyota Vellfire Petrol-Electric Hybrid engine on road price in Delhi ranges between ₹ 1.41 crore - ₹ 1.53 crore.




Toyota Vellfire Hi 2.5 Hybrid

2487cc,CVT Auto,Petrol-Electric Hybrid,19.28kpl

₹ 1.41 crore *

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Toyota Vellfire VIP 2.5 Hybrid

2487cc,CVT Auto,Petrol-Electric Hybrid,19.28kpl

₹ 1.53 crore *

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Toyota Vellfire News

Toyota Vellfire Colours

The Toyota Vellfire offers a variety of color options. Toyota Vellfire is available in a range of 3 colors. The colors offered in Toyota Vellfire are Platinum White Pearl, Precious Metal and Black.

Toyota Vellfire Image
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